So, first thing is first, we gotta get some Thank You cards going. Here is a picture of my stacks of items pertaining to that endeavor. Note the telephone for calling to check on names and addresses, the address book, the no-smear pen, the boxes of cards and envelopes, and finally the stack of completed and addressed cards along with the stack of completed but not addressed cards... Yeah, I think I lose a few brain cells each time I sit down to chip away at this one.
Next, we have the photos themselves! I went a little crazy here, folks. Indecisive person that I am, I knew I needed some wiggle room. I purchased probably close to 250 pictures. Note the ruler showing the stack is actually two and a half inches tall!
Last but not least, I need to conjure up something to put all these lovely photos in. Of course, you know a plain old photo album just won't do for me, I've got to make a srapbook! Can't I just stick these pictures into a book and be done with it? Nooooooooo, I've got to save EVERYTHING because I'm a packrat who wears the disguise of a craftsy person. It's not quite a sickness, but it's questionable at this point. Anyway, I went out and found an awesome book and a great deal on paper (7 for a dollar) at Michaels and gathered up all the knick-knacks and whosits and whatsits that I will be hanging onto as keepsakes in my little album and am preparing for launch tomorrow moring. I'll share the finished product if it turns out.
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