Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's never too late to go back home.

After much debate, discussion, and tough decision making... Bruce and I have decided that I need to move back home with my mom for the winter. We came to this conclusion about a week ago and it wasn't the easiest thing to consider. I was crushed, at first, at the thought of living apart from my husband whom I have lived intimately and co dependently with for several years now.

However, as he put it to me, the world is an imperfect place and sometimes things happen that weren't a part of any one's plan. Married couples live apart for all sorts of reasons, all the time. Hard words for me to accept at first but the fact that this is only for a few months and that we can see each other whenever we want to, helps tremendously.

My mother spent her whole life doing her best, sacrificing for her kids, and putting our needs before hers. Now, it's my opportunity to show her some selfless support and get her through her first winter without my dad.

Once, when I was very little, I told my mom that I was going to stay and live with her to take care of her when she was old. So she wouldn't have to live in an 'old folk's home'. Last night when I broke the news to her that I was coming to stay with her for a little while, as she protested profusely for want of not being a "burden" to anyone, I reminded her of that story. "I told you when I was little that I was going to take care of you when you were old. Guess what... You're old and that time is now."

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